The Celtic Congress Constitution
English translation, as amended 1994
“The Celtic Congress” or its equivalent in any Celtic language or languages.
To perpetuate the culture, ideals, and languages of the Celtic peoples, and to maintain an intellectual contact and close cooperation between the respective Celtic communities.
- The holding of an annual international congress in one of the six Celtic countries, if possible according to a fixed rotation.
- Such other methods as may prove practical and desirable.
Each Celtic country or area shall have a national committee consisting of representatives of national cultural societies, and others. Each National Committee shall formulate its own constitution according to the objects of the Congress, and shall submit same to the International Committee for approval.
- These six committees shall elect two representatives each on the International Committee annually, who may be represented by deputies.
- The National Committee shall be responsible for organizing and financing the Congress in its own area.
shall consist of The President, Vice-President, The International Secretary, The International Treasurer, and the Twelve representatives of the six National Committees.
- The International Committee shall conduct the current business of the organization and control its own finance.
- The International Committee shall be financed by a minimum subscription of £100.00 Sterling (amended 1994) annually from each of the six national committees, this sum being subject to periodic review. The accounts shall be audited annually by calendar year by two members of the International Committee, and shall be submitted to the Congress by the International Treasurer.
- The Chairman of the National Committee of the country holding the Congress shall be ex-Officio Chairman of the International Commitee, and he shall hold office for the calendar year (amended 1950).
- Officers of the International Committee shall serve for a maximum period of three years, in the same office, and shall not be eligible for re-election until after an interval of two years.
- The International Secretary shall attend the Annual Congress. His expenses shall be paid by the International Committee. This also applies to the International Treasurer and President. By cheapest route (public transport).
Changes in the Constitution
can only be effected at the Annual General Meeting. Two months notice in writing of any proposed change must be given to the International Secretary whose duty it will be to notify each National Committee of the proposed change.
The Annual General Meeting
shall be open to all members of the Congress and all shall have a right to speak and make recommendations. Only accredited delegates shall have the right to vote.
Emergency Motions.
An Emergency Motion for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting must first be submitted to the International Committee and be accepted unanimously by the International Commitee.
No branch of the Celtic Congress shall have power to put a motion affecting an area of territory of another Branch of the Celtic Congress unless that Branch is satisfied that it would be beneficial to the area in question.
All motions put forward to the Annual General Meeting must therefore be communicated to all Branches in advance of the Annual General Meeeting and in time for each Branch to present its considered views on such motions.
- The Minutes of the International Committee Meeting and of the Annual General Meeting shall be read in the Celtic language of the country where they are being presented.
It shall be the duty of the International Secretary to send copies of the minutes to the six National Committees before the next General Meeting.
- There shall be official versions of the Consititution in each of the six Celtic languages. Should any variation in interpretation arise, the version in the Irish language shall prevail.